Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The leader of the Dark Side has risen.........

This is a 2yr battle to create what we call perfection fit for a KING. Time money blood sweat and tears cant compare to what he put into this masterpiece....here's the inital start up video nothing crazy jus a sound byte of whats coming to the streets...and the shakedown video will available this weekend......  also theres two more KOS cars comin out which i wont spill the beans about you'll jus have to follow us here or me on twitter @KosStig

Not last and not least BIG BIG BIG BIG SHOUTS to JOEL from Speed Theory Racing Development
for puttin in work.. alot of late nites with the leader of KOS and our team...end result is nothing shy of a master piece ...........

KOS the revolution is LIVE.....we here 

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