Saturday, February 11, 2012

Paperclip...nuff said

This car and driver needs no introduction for he is known in the tri-state area as...PAPERCLIP/Palet.
This heavyweight assassin is known for his remarkable driving ability and the tamer of the beast we know as PAPERCLIP. This team of one has been a problem for  a lot of people on the east coast. Now spending only a third of what some may spend on a performance vehicle off the showroom floor he has built a car that has hung with the best of them and we are proud and honored to have this outstanding addition to our family. To the top we go,  his/our success has no limit. I don't want to say to much more but Love it Hate it you will know the KOS brand to be a contender in every class.
Once more I present to you  "Paperclip" and owner King Palet

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